“Unique experimental composer who always searching for new sounds and create different kinds of musical landscapes.”
Musical Aspirations:
I have a strong will for music since early years. I always liked to feel the presence of music in the space and its influence on me. Unfortunately, it turned out that I did not have an opportunity to take private music lessons, that is why the majority of what I know and able to do, I had to study myself. I am very curious in music, I am always trying to learn any information about music, composers, methods of writing. I am inspired by lots of genres and styles, such as: avant-garde after World War I, avant-garde after World War II, minimalism, contemporary progressive guitar music. I am open to everything new and I like experiments in music.
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Master of Music Composition, 2023 (Expected)
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Bachelor of Music Composition, 2021
Principal teacher - Anthony Fiumara.
Tyumen State Institute of Culture (formerly Tyumen State Academy of Arts, Culture and Social Technologies)
Bachelor of Musicology, 2016 (3 years of study)
MOUSOSH No4 of Uray
Certificate of secondary (complete) general education, 2011
Workshops and masterclasses attended:
2021 Workshop with Antoine Bertin (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
2021 Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium (University of Oregon, USA)
2021 I SOLISTI Composers Lab Short Film 2020 (Antwerpen, Belgium)
2020 orkest de ereprijs 26th Young Composers Meeting (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)
2019 Project "Reflection on Gilgamesh", coach - composer Hawar Tawfiq (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2019 Masterclass with composer Gian Paolo Luppi (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2019 Lecture “Electronic music and composition” by Kees Tazelaar, composer and head of the Institute of Sonology (’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
2018 Masterclass with composer Moritz Eggert (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2018 Masterclass with composer Ryo Noda (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2018 Workshop with duo “The Third Guy” (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2016 Workshop with composers S. Nesterova and V. Kruglik
''Traditions of Saint-Peterburg's Composition School nowadays. About the work of B.I. Tischenko’' (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
1-st place at Annual Student Scientific Conference of Tyumen State Institute of Culture 2015 — theme of work ''About Olivier Messiaen's Modal Writing'' (Tyumen, Russia)
1-st place at Annual Student Scientific Conference of Tyumen State Academy of Arts Culture and Social Technologies 2013 — ''Anton Webern's Dodekaphony'' (Tyumen, Russia)
My works was performed at such festivals as Ars Electronica, ISCM World Music Days, November Music, Research on Contemporary Composition Conference of the University of North Georgia, TROMP Percussion, Oregon Bach Festival.
Ensembles that have performed my works - fEARnoMUSIC, I SOLISTI, orkest de ereprijs, AMPA ensemble, AMPA flute ensemble, F.C. Jongbloed, INTEGRA, New Music Ensemble of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.
List of Compositions:
"Sleep Chain" (2021) for reed quintet
"I Remember" (2021) for flute, piano and baritone
"Transcendence" (2021) for clarinet, 2 vibraphones, piano, violin and cello.
"Motion" (2019-2021) for tenor saxophone
"Crying Abyss" (2021) for voice and piano
"Exile" (2021) for flute, clarinet, piano and string quartet
"Solitude Space" (2021) for electronic and video
"7 slashes” (2021) for flute ensemble
"Singularity" (2020-2021) opera soprano solo, large ensemble, string orchestra, video and electronic
"[un]natural desolation" (2020-2021) for string orchestra
"parallax: life/exile" (2020) for flute, guitar, violin, cello and soprano
"The Isolator" (2020) for electronic and video
"8:7" (2020) for ensemble, film and electronics
"Möbius Strip" cello concerto (2019-20) foro solo cello and orchestra
"Argon" (2020) for solo drum set
"[fMRI/extrapolation]" (2019-20) for electronic and video
"Quantum Suicide" (2020) for large ensemble and soloists
"Gilgamesh" (2019) for large ensemble and electronics
“Metamorphosis” (2019) for electric guitar and alto saxophone
“Wake” (2019) for violins duo
“Midway Point” (2019) chamber opera for 2 soloists (tenor and baritone), flute, oboe, clarinet, piano and strings
“D.M.” (2019) for piccolo, bassoon, horn, trumpet and violin
“Tachyon” (2019) for 2 recorders and drum set
"Duality: wave_particle" (2019) for saxophone ensemble and electroacoustic
“Wood Painting” (2019) for flute, clarinet, baritone saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin and cello
Brass Quartet (2019) for horn, 2 trumpets and trombone
Duo Sax/Vibe (2019) for tenor saxophone and vibraphone
"01_26_00.05.1979 _5_04_04 _19. 32." (2019) for solo violin
Short hour pieces for Tilburg Carillon (2019)
“Aeternae Viam: Movement in Constancy” (2018) for drum solo and electroacoustic
“Antikythera Mechanism” (2018) for string orchestra with different electroacoustic elements
“Cycle” (2017) for piano
String Quartet No.2 (2016) for two violins, viola and violoncello
''Internal Mirror Broken On The Verge Of The World'' Symphonic Poem (2015) for full symphony orchestra
'Uponthelivingandthedead'' (2015) for piano
'forherbreathcaught'' (2015) for piano and oboe
Post-Minimalist Fuga (2014) for piano
Fuga In C moll (2014) for piano
String Quartet No.1 (2013) for two violins, viola and violoncello
Many original songs, themes, jingles
Software Proficiency:
Sibelius, Logic Pro, GuitarPro, Pro Tools, Izotope RX, Final Cut Pro and so on.
Audio/Visual Proficiency:
2021 - current time - work at FHK AV support team (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2020 - 2021 - Sound Engineering elective course at FHK (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
2018 - 2020 - sessions in Willem Twee studios (’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
Experience of working with audio/video/light setups during the live performances.
Different audio/visual experimental works available on my website and YouTube channel.